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Home » Encyclopedia » Fairground Games
Fairground Games
Information regarding our assortment of mini-games.

Flight Rising boasts a suite of challenging mini-games that players can compete for high scores in, as well as earn a little bit of treasure on the side. Each game has various difficulty levels and a scoreboard for keeping track of the most accomplished gamers.


Casual, Yet Challenging Fun
Fairground games are generally puzzle-based. Each game has a slightly different flavor and objective, but all are aimed at making the experience relaxing and rewarding. If you are finding the lower difficulties a little dull, you can easily increase the challenge by either selecting a harder setting on the game's menu or consecutively beating easier levels.

Earning Treasure
Each Fairgrounds game is designed to reward treasure in accordance with your score. Generally, the higher your score is, and the better you perform, the more treasure you'll earn for your time invested. You can continue to earn treasure for as long as want: there is no limit!

Lucky Streak
Each day, you will start with a Lucky Streak, which will allow Fairgrounds to payout treasure. Once you reach a total of 75,000 your Lucky Streak will end, and treasure accumulation will not be available until the following day.

High Scores
Players who achieve the highest scores in each game will see their name on the leaderboards. Do you have what it takes to make it to the top?

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