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Home » Encyclopedia » Cycled-Out Items
Cycled-Out Items
These items are currently unavailable.

Cycled-Out Items
Cycled-Out Items are items that are currently unavailable for sale in-game. This is typically done to gem items to keep the shop stocks fresh. After a time, a new item may cycle out and a currently cycled-out item may cycle back in. Players who own a cycled-out item may sell or trade it via the auction house.

Cycled-Out Item Directory:
You may find a list of Flight Rising's cycled out items, their cycle dates, and how they were obtained below.

Cycled-Out Seasonal Items


Mid February
Appears near the middle of February in the Treasure Marketplace.

Mid February
Appears near the middle of February in Swipp's Swap Stand.

Mid February
Appears near the middle of February in Baldwin's Bubbling Brew.

Sept 21 - Dec 20
Available during autumn.

Sept 21 - Dec 20
Available during autumn.

Dec 21 - Mar 20
Available during winter.

Dec 21 - Mar 20
Available during winter.

Mar 21 - June 20
Available during spring.

Mar 21 - June 20
Available during spring.

June 21 - Sept 20
Available during summer.

June 21 - Sept 20
Available during summer.

Pirate Day Apparel


September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.

September 19
Available in the gem marketplace during "Talk like a Pirate" day.
Cycled-Out Gem Apparel


May 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

May 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

May 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

May 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

May 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

May 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

May 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

Cycled-Out Gem Items


May 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

September 2014
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

March 2015
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

August 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

August 2017
Previously available in the gem marketplace.

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