Level 1 Nocturne
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Personal Style

5.73 m
4.21 m
392.73 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245

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The night sky flickered with reflecting lights on Valentine's day 2015. Lendys, the white crystal leader of clan Stardrake, was out every night, looking at the stars. He felt like they protected him, like they were more than just flickering balls of gass above his head. And that night, it seemed like they actually were. A brave little Nocturne, barely a couple days old, decided to brave the skies. His little wings had been dying to stretch out ever since he had fought his way out of his egg. His parents, however, had been keeping him from doing just that. He was too young to fly freely and without supervision, according to them. And his mother being the matriarch of her clan, was often too busy to help him. But now, late in the night, he found himself the only one awake in the nests he shared with his family. Now was the time, he would finally be able to stretch his wings, fly in the amazing night sky. Be one with the stars. So he sneaked out of his little bed, towards the edge of the lair. And he flew. He knew he could do it, he knew his parents were wrong about it! It felt amazing, he felt free. He felt like he was one with the sky. But then everything went wrong. His little wings were not strong enough to carry him against the harsh winds at the heights he was flying at and suddenly, a swarm of bird (of were they bats?) came zipping towards him. And before he realised what was happening, he was already crashing to the ground. Lendys thought he saw a star falling, shining and sparkling on its way down. It wasn't until he noticed that the light of the star was more of a reflection and he heard the screeches of a young dragon, he realised something was wrong. After hearing a crash and a loud pitched howl of pain and fear, her got up and quickly made his way towards the area of impact. And when he arrived, he had quite the task at hand. A young little nocturne, sparkling like himself, was lying on the ground. Crippled and obviously in pain, he was weakly squeaking. Surrounded by some of the native monsters of Starwood strand, who looked like they were up to no good. The poor dear looked scared to death. Lendys did not hesitate. He jumped straight into the clutter of monsters, driving them away from the little Nocturne, protecting the poor thing like a father would. And the small bundle could only stare in amazement and fright as he saw the Guardian protect him. Tears had filled his eyes, mainly because of the pain shooting through his entire body, seeing how the fear was slowly leaving him. It didn't take long before the guardian turned around and slowly approached him. Careful to not scare him. "Are you alright, little one? You took quite the tumble." His expression and voice were concerned as the small Nocturne struggled to get up. The darling nodded slightly, whimpering as he hobbled towards the older dragon, who smiled at him lightly. "What is your name?" "I... I don't have a name yet... My parents waited for me to find my own clan..." Lendys, being a father himself, knew that was often the case. As he had done the exact same thing to his children. "I understand. My name is Lendys." He was quit for a second. "Where are you from then? I can take you back, should you so wish." He smiled gently at the young Nocturne, whose tears now freely started flowing. "I don't know, this was my first time out of the nest. I do not know how to get back. I am scared." The words and raw fear and grief tugged at Lendys' heart. "Don't cry, little one. It will be alright." He embraced the small bundle of sadness, who was now shivering as well. When he had calmed down slightly, Lendys let him go. "I understand you are scared and I understand you want to go home. But I cannot help you if you cannot tell me where your home is. I can, however, offer you a new home. At least until we find your own clan. Would you want to come with me?" Lendys was as gentle as he could, trying to reassure the little hatchling. Trying to make him feel saved, like it would all be fine. And it worked. The Nocturne sniffed softly and looked at him with large eyes. "Yes, please... I would like that..." Lendys beamed a smile at the young one and then proceeded to place him on his back, so they would be able to fly to their destination. The little Nocturne could only snuggle as close to Lendys as possible. When they arrive at the nest of clan Stardrake, Lendys took the little Nocturne of his back. They were immediately greeted by some very concerned clan members. Where had he gone so suddenly? Was everything alright? Was that a scratch on his hide? And then, a small, female fae noticed the Nocturne Lendys had brought with him. She floated forwards and her head cocked to the side. She could see the poor darling was hurt. "Who is that, Lendys? Is he alright? Does he need healing? I could heal him.." She smiled. The hatchling, however, quickly scrambled back behind Lendys' legs, hiding behind them. There, he felt safe, for the Guardian was his safety. As Lendys explained everything that had happened, the Nocturne leaned more and more against his leg. Shyly looking towards all the other members of the clan. The fae suddenly appeared a mere centimeter in front of his face. "So, healing? I'll fix that paw right up for you!" For a fae, she sure sounded chipper... He only looked at Lendys, questionly. The Guardian smiled and gently pressed his forehead against the little Nocturne's. "It's alright, you're safe here. You'll always have a home with us, little evening star." The next day, they named him Hesperos. To forever be remembered of the special night he had joined their clan and became family. |
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Exalting Hesperos to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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