
Level 10 Nocturne
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Energy: 50
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Female Nocturne
Female Nocturne
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Esme had a mysterious past and often felt lost about who she was and what her identity is. She grew up on her own, facing many adversaries and getting stronger through fighting them. She changed her shape a lot as she tried to find herself - first born an Imperial, then changed to a Mirror, and finally a sleek, dangerous Nocturne. She is absolutely tiny, but fierce.

There was a void in her heart for a long time until she met Morzan. Morazan was kind, compassionate, and saw through some of her defenses she made to keep others away. She let him see her fears, faults, and imperfections she tried to hide from the world which he shared in return. They developed a fierce bond and through being loved and loving in return, Esme has finally felt the peace of mind to forgive the past and work towards a better future.

After Morzan left the clan, Esme who had started to finally become whole, felt unsure once more. After hearing about Asriel's successful self-discovery trip into space, she decided to go on one to find herself. In space, she grieved for Morzan and healed in its cold embrace.

Esme would always love Morzan, but she accepted his incomprehensible decision to go to the Clan of the Shifting Tides and accepted herself as both a strong and simultaneously delicate individual deserving of kindness. She knew she had to keep down her defenses and let others in to achieve peace. Her values were cemented and she now knew how to define herself and know what was important to her in life. When she returned, she was changed physically as well, infused with constellations on her wings. With the guidance of stars, Esme found herself at last.
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Exalting Esme to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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