
Level 10 Imperial
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Serthis Potionmaster
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Riot Hazebeacon
Red-Tailed Boa
Ball Python
Windbound Mask
Druid's Woodwing
Primary Alchemist Tools
Amber Flourish Anklets
Hunter's Tail Twist
Druid's Woodtrail


Accent: Spring Filigree F


Scene: Serpent Shrine


22.49 m
19.56 m
8735.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 03, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Imperial
EXP: 1385 / 27676
Vile Bolt
Diseased Might Fragment
Diseased Acuity Fragment







Name: Pestilentia Snakespeaker

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Profession: Pleurisy's Assistant

Interests: Research,
freedom, snake-speaking.

Working with Pleurisy,
talking to Aureus.

Making sure what
happened to the clan of
her birth never happens

Making sure that none she
knows get drawn into
cultish, harmful groups.

Red-Tailed Boa
Confident, lively, and always ready
to support Pestilentia in a debate,
Jacinth loves to whisper gossip and
opinions into Tia's ears.

Ball Python
Shy and loyal exclusively to
Pestilentia, Bulbara is friendly with
Jacinth but wary of Severine, as the
latter is a new addition.

Riot Hazebeacon
Syrinx's kind are poorly
understood, thought by many to
be Undead. In truth, they are
heavily ossified plague-adapted
vultures and it is her mutations
that Pestilentia studies.

Windbound Mask
Found on Pestilentia and Pleurisy's
travels through Sornieth after
leaving their failure behind, this
mask grants her a degree of
control over wind and the
pathogens within it.

Primary Alchemist Tools
Pestilentia always keeps the means
to analyse and treat new diseases
on her - not just her own magical
means, but more material ones

Accent: Spring Filigree F
Intricate in detail and having taken
an awfully long time to complete,
Tia loves her tattoos dearly.

Multimist Mask Herbalist's Satchel
Fossilized Leaf Brilliant Brass Torc
Antique Oil Lamp Glass Knife
Greystone Deer Copper Pocketwatch
Brilliant Length Nocturne Puppet
Snail Husk Amber

Bloodfin Snakehead Buff Endler
Brown Pelican Brindle Muskrat
Berry and Nut Trail Bar Bell Fungus
Teeming Loghive Rhinoceros Beetle
Plaguebringer's Delight Giant Isopod
Bundle of Haunchmeat Thick Meat Strips

Bluefin Charger Fin Toxic Igueel Fan
Amphibious Wing Bluelight Chipskink Tail
Alien Tendril Glowing Tail
Unstable Serthis Concoction Ferberus Skull
Display Frills Baku Tusk

Humble Tea Tray Cindermint
Petal Bat Spoon Dandelion Seeds
Humble Tea Cups Cinnamon
Honeycomb Fragment Bamboo Dried Tea
Pelagas Feathers Aged Book Collection



Familiar: Serthis Potionmaster

Name: Severine

About: Sev, like
Likhoradka's Phora, is an
unusual Serthis, dedicated
not to poison, strength and
superiority, but to study,
scholarship and unusual
magic. Where Phora seeks
to become the first
Beastclan Pathogenecyte,
Severine seeks to become
the first beastclan to fully
master draconic elemental magic.

So far they're doing quite well!

Pestilence is not only a curse
in it can hide keys to cure.


Pestilentia, lady of serpents, is the one of a few assistant Pathogenecytes in the clan. Serving under Pleurisy, to whom she is blindingly loyal, Pestilentia's plague is balanced and contained by the miasma of the windmask she was gifted and the enchanted anklets she wears. In this way she serves the Clan with her potions, using carefully extracted plague to create potions of infection, inoculation and even treatment.

Kind, clever, and driven, Pestilentia and Pleurisy have been through a lot together. Consequently they work frequently together, turn to each other first and are rarely far from one another. Nonetheless, Pestilentia is good at dealing with others in a way that Pleurisy's formality cannot always match: she is kind, compassionate and direct, seeking to solve problems.


Hatched in Plague just like Pleurisy, the pair met after their trials and became a roving pair, seeking to use their powers to help both their clans and a few minor ones between. In the end, however, they failed, and left the lands of Plague for something far away and different - a challenge, perhaps, that they could overcome. The clan of Tethys contained many of their order who also felt they were failures... and perhaps in some respects they were. But as the years passed, it became clearer that the order itself had failed them.

While it championed strength, it championed only one kind of strength. While it worshipped Plague, it allowed only one kind of worship of Plague. While they claimed superiority and knowledge they ignored the strengths and powers of others, and declared as heresy any knowledge that did not fit their worldview. While they claimed reason, they fought in rumours and lies, and never sought to prove their facts.

Authoritarian, fascistic and not what either had signed up for, Pestilentia joined Pleurisy and the rest of the clan's sect in leaving the order, seeking new paths - and they found it, when Ague, Pleurisy's long-time correspondent and friend, arrived at Firefall Port, his own entourage landing in his wake.

There was another path, he told them. A path that granted them freedom to study, to cure, to develop new diseases and to alter existing ones - a path that did not champion only one kind of strength, a path that did not only allow one form of worship, an order which did not demand a limited, set way of abiding lest one be called heretic but which acknowledged the vast scope and let dragons find their way within it.

Pestilentia gladly became a Pathogenecyte.

It was hard. It was harder than it should be, as they were both newly weakened for having their old strain stripped from them, and it was hard for Pestilentia, learning to reach for new skills she'd never had anything even close to before. Pleurisy did not struggle half so much, easily achieving Command. Pestilentia, meanwhile, spent months languishing as a Pathogenerator and while she took the time to develop her skills in that area she worked to claw her way up - through Viral, to Command herself.

Pleurisy, glad of the company and proud of his long-time apprentice's mastery of herself and the True Strain, greeted her achievement with utter joy.

Now, together, the pair work with Ague and the others to protect the clan - and to keep a close eye out for authoritarian, cultish groups which demand exacting, limited forms of acceptable behaviour.

They know very well how easily such structures turn to abuse.

In her chamber, Pestilentia finally settles, heartbeat finally slowing.

She hates sleep. Sleep reminds her of her best friend's face as her plague stretched dark tongues of poison through her veins and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't-

She walks through the caves and caverns, and tries to forget her failings. Sometimes she is joined by Porcelain, soft words to remind her that failure is but one term for an experience, and that there is always something to learn. It helps to know that others believe it, but it does not help her to believe it. Sometimes she is joined by Aerugosanguis, skilled and yet so long unable to do all he sought, to cure Haema of chronic conditions even his strength was naught against. She will admit that it is a comfort to know that even the proven and most skilled amongst the clan can fail. Rarely, she is joined by Pleurisy, and she hates that. She doesn't know why her mentor agreed to let her leave their clans behind after their failure, to leave the Plaguelands, leave it all - to become this, new Pathogenecytes, despite his utter orthodoxy to their last order.

She knows he left great potential behind, all for her, and for all she knows it was her choice, there has always been a part of her wondering why he would so willingly give up all that he could have had to help her, to keep her company.

Carefully, she settles in her room before the piece of carved bone her mother gave her, and trails claws over its surface. At her wrist and at her neck her snakes coil close.

Mother of Plague, she thinks, and her claws find the first groove of the goddess' wings. I have long been a failure but I seek to be more. I will master all that I am, and I will make myself more. Mother of Plague, take my Plague-killed friend, and may she be reborn mighty from the Wyrmwound. Mother of Plague, take my strength, and make sure it is directed as it ought best to be.

Mother of Plague, forgive my cowardice. Let my leaving give me leave to find strength again. Give me leave to prove my worth and become all that I can be.

There are more masks they can wear than anyone can count. Pestilentia knows this well.

A mask is many things. Can be almost anything. It can be: a skull or a scrap of metal, a piece of bone carved to form, or a piece of cloth, a covering of paint.

It can be the face you wear, the expressions you pull, whether you feel them or not.

She has never known a high-ranked Priest of Plague who doesn't wear some kind of mask, nor an acolyte unable to see behind them.

Aerugosanguis doubts. He relies on strength but his wife is failing, his son failed, he cannot help either. He hides it all behind a mask of confidence and lets the fungi in his flesh grow across and over his brow to further hide his face. He dares not let anyone see through this mask, except for those who always have.

Nosoi hides her self-hatred behind humour. She laughs with Haema, encourages Intestinum. Debates daily with Pleurisy and Aerugosanguis and watches Tia in a way that can be quite uncomfortable. Nosoi hides how much she hates herself for her failings behind humour, and acts as though that is all she needs to help herself out of it.

Sometimes, the mask drops when someone offers her true and open affection.

Pleurisy. To her, Pleurisy has no mask, but Tia knows the mask he shows to others, the blithe confidence, the callous cruelty. Pleurisy is good at pretending he doesn't care, but Tia knows no reason other than caring that would have led her master to leave the Plaguelands of their birth, leave both their clans, and settle them here if he did not, on some level, care for her.

Maybe he doesn't care for anyone else. Maybe it is a mask he shows to her, that he cares. But Tia has seen how he handles hatchlings, how he picks them up and perches them on his shoulder when they fall, how he helps the small only to pretend it practicality later.

It's a mask, just as much as the paints he wears.

Pestilentia likes her snakes. She knows that, in some places, to some people, snakes are symbols of healing. She knows more than that as well: she knows that they are healing. There is a reason, after all, that she can carry her two on her plague-touched skin and, even without focus, they never come to harm.

Bulbara is the ball python, and she's shy. Stays tucked close on her wrist and sometimes coils back to hide under her tucked wings in the cave systems. Occasionally she pokes her head out, or coils up her neck to butt up against Jacinth - red-tailed boa - and give an opinion. Jacinth is the more confident by far, always close around Tia's neck, almost enough to choke but never doing so. Sometimes, when particularly excited, she twists herself between Pestilentia's antlers, head swaying like a cobra.

More often, though, they each coil around and hiss secrets into her ears.

Sometimes, she hisses back.

"Pestilentia?" Pleurisy says whenever this happens. "What is going on?"

"You are sure?" she hisses back to Jacinth. "Absolutely certain?" she asks Bulbara. They hiss confirmation.

Pleurisy is still watching her from across his great tome.

"Just checking on the rumours," Tia says eventually. "There's bets going on who's going to have a nest this season. Some of them placed bets on us."

Pleurisy splutters. "NO," he says. "Not as long as you call me mentor."

Pestilentia simply smiles, and turns back to cooing and hissing at her snakes. It's uncanny, she thinks, how easy her serpents find it to tease her mentor.

"You look like a Longnecks' spring coat," Pestilentia commented when Pleurisy finally returned to her watchpoint.

"Moulting, messy, and smells terrible?" he asked. Then he yawned.

"Dishevelled," she corrected, rising to walk beside him. "Though I'm sure Nosoi would tell you look like sh-"

"Tia," he said tiredly. "Language."

"Yes, master."

They walked back to the clan-caves slowly. The ash was falling heavily today, and Pestilentia extended a wing out to shelter her master from the ash and fine hail of pumice.

He was weaving slightly from side to side, swaying a little in tiredness. This wasn't uncommon after an experiment. She wasn't sure what this one was - meditation at the brink of the Wastes, an attempt to configure a new curse, or a project to cure a Ghoul - but it didn't matter. She swept her tail out from side to side, impatient lashing doubling as a ready and momentum-fuelled weapon if anything tried to attack.

"Tia," Pleurisy said softly. "Calm yourself."

She frowned, looked to him. "It'd be easier of you let me carry you," she said.

Pleurisy sighed. "No. Better I return dishevelled from trying to commune with Plague than be carried. We don't want them thinking me dead."

Pestilentia is... limited. She knows this. She can curse well - better than many, thanks to her master's teaching - and she can cure with herbs and the decoctions she can make from the skin and blood and venom of her serpents. In her own skin and blood she carries a myriad cures she cannot use - but her master can, if she casts them all to him.

She is a loyal assistant. She does as she is meant to: she serves. Pleurisy had saved her life and, together, they had almost saved their clan. It is to their detriment they failed and that failure the cause that they fled.

She cannot be a failure. They failed once, she and Pleurisy, so she cannot fail him further. She learns all she can - even Ondine's heretical curing with a curse, though she dares not use it - and she learns every plague she can.

She fails him, just the once, with the eggs she has. She tries, quickly, to rectify it, to send one off to a new home and safety. Hippolytus he finds, however, and...

Well, she is lucky. Pleurisy has always been a kind master. It is why she loves him, why she obeys him, why she does all she can to avoid being a failure. Still: time comes that Hippolytus too must be gone from her. Every dragon must make their own way and Eschar had been very clear.

So she work. So she strives. So she travels - and in travelling finds a new companion, undead, plague-made. An entity both of and against Plague's own nature. A thing which has survived that which nothing should.

Perhaps, she thinks, this new companion, her half-ghostly haunting vulture friend, perhaps this strange thing, this blessing of the Plaguebringer is why, at last, she and Pleurisy have truly succeeded.

She sits beside her master, halfway curled around him, and together they watch and wait for Aureus to wake.

Few dragons can say they contributed to curing an infested, after all.

43169315p.png Pleurisy | Master & Mentor

Pleurisy met Pestilentia just as he was first getting established and the two of them have worked together ever since. Many find their dynamic hard to parse but for them, it's simple. They trust each other utterly, and have had a long time to prove that.

54125332p.png Aureus | Close Friend

Few dragons have the capacity to cure a one so utterly infested with disease as Aureus was - but Pleurisy and Pestilentia did. While Aureus has remained with them out of loyalty and gratitude, Pestilentia has genuinely sought to become his friend, teaching him serpent-speech over the years.

47611159p.png Drone | Foster-Child

It was Pleurisy, skilled in his arts, who worked to free Drone from the Hive, but it was Pestilentia, well-used to struggling with her own demons, who helped Drone become her own person. It is perhaps unsurprising they feel a parental affection for the dragon they helped to save.

Likhoradka & Dragana | Tea Party & Book Club

Everyone needs a break from work, and Pestilentia's involves a tea and book club with some of the other imperials of the clan. Dragana and Likhoradka are fascinating, unique dragons and Pestilentia enjoys the time she spends with them, discussing the books they read - from great tomes of research, to trashy pulp novellas.

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