Frigid Floes
This gleaming field of floes is a fleeting reminder of the former size and glory of the Southern Icefield, which once rivaled expanse of the northern continent. Recent warm weather and intrusions from the children of Fire and Lightning have contributed to the fractured landscape, each conflict pushing the puzzle pieces further apart.
Snowsquall Tundra
The only pockets of what can pass for wildlife now huddle themselves into the brush of the tundra, which blankets the heart of the icefield. Dense evergreen forests skirt the mountain ridges, and many dragon clans huddle in wicker caves and huts nestled deep in the trees for the better part of each year.
Cloudscrape Crags
This desolate string of mountains overlooks the frozen waste, and are among the tallest in the world. Even the hardiest of the ice dragonflight keep their clans safely below the harshness of the peaks, as those who have ventured upward never return.
The Fortress of Ends
A frigid, unforgiving monument to the archaic past. From out of craggy, inhospitable terrain grow spires of impenetrable ice, covered in hoarfrost. Within these looming towers exist creatures, horrors, treasures, and even the ice flight's own denizens, trapped forever in unending preservation. And they are being watched...