
Level 8 Tundra
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Tundra
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Personal Style





2.65 m
3.76 m
348.81 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 12, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Tundra
EXP: 14704 / 16009


The grandson of Regan, the travelling Tundra who leaves love and hatchlings wherever she goes. It is his dream to follow in her pawsteps and breed many little fluffballs in many different clans.

Uh-oh, looks like this wise Tundra wandered a little too far from his home lair (Volrin, #261879), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to his home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but he would be very grateful!

Even as a hatchling, Wisdom was very wise and strangely knowledgeable. He has near-perfect short term memory, and could probably relay an entire day down to the smallest detail, but as a Tundra it would all be gone from his brain shortly after. Wisdom shares his mother and grandmother's goal of travelling the world and spreading fluffy hatchlings to all of the clans he visits, but he also has an additional goal of sharing his wisdom and teachings with the dragons he meets along the way.

Owners I've Had:
Volrin, #261879 (Home Lair)
upowlnight, #54701
Elinorcross, #109268
lunusdragoness, #17407
DailyDoodles, #286680
GrinningWolf24, #212075
ZenithNadir, #44542
Chardons, #307852
CabbageCat, #288978
Draconoria, #216495
marshsiren, #329753
Lopika, #204939
gearfeathers, #2142
Crazyplate123, #297465
Kiradog234, #263976
FairlyGoner, #270979
AlmightyAmu, #345601
Neverland, #203256
Volrin, #261879 (return visit! His first time being sent home after 3 years travelling, that was unexpected!)

Travel Log:
-write about his travels here!-

GrinningWolf24, #212075, September 20th, 2017
Along his travels, Wisdom managed a visit to one of his relatives, a cousin-or-such known once as Virtuous. The two had an in-depth discussion of their places in the world, and how they were doing their best with what they could. Virtuous was rather... demure. He was unsure if he was truly helping the clan he had come to call home, and what he should even being doing here? Thsi clan was not perfect, yes, but it did have a lot of heart. Dragons here survived onslaught after onslaught, defending each other and those out in the world as best they could, given the circumstances. What could he possibly do to make it... less dark? Less full of hardship? More morally correct? This he did not know.

Wisdom admitted that he was unsure in his journey as well -- what words of encouragement could he offer others, if he couldn't even manage one small word of advice for his cousin? His memory had been slipping more as of late as well, which was grounds to worry. If he lost his one defining trait, what kind of traveller was he?

The two debated such things long into the night. The irony of the situation showed itself just before the pair fell asleep at dawn. Virtuous suggested that Wisdom train out in the Mire with the other young dragons and warriors -- one often found sympathy and compassion more readily having survived such onslaughts. Wisdom gave Virtuous not advice, but his virtues -- their chat, while having gone seemingly nowhere -- restored his faith and hope for possibility. He was not alone in this. Even others of his own family questioned their worth. Mayhaps he would not help as his name suggested, but in a capacity that fit the clan.

And so Virtuous found his virtues in Wisdom.
And Wisdom found wise advice in Virtuous.

Chardons, #307852, October 2nd, 2017
After a travel through some new places, Wisdom found himself in a clan of pure chaos. A lair in which explosions and experimentation were frequent -- the norm, even. He was really confused about this place; how could such a clan still exist after so much destruction, and why would dragons choose to live with such crazy scientists running amok?

Even after staying a long time, longer than even he anticipated, Wisdom still had gained no clarity as to how anybody could enjoy living here. Feeling more unwise than ever before, he left without saying a word.

marshsiren, #329753, November 11th, 2017
Although Wisdom had been travelling for a very long time, he had only fathered two hatchlings. Today was the day that changed, however, when a kind Spiral by the name of Aneira approached Wisdom and offered to be a surrogate for him. Apparently she travelled around as a surrogate, helping mates that couldn't bear eggs. Her mate Eike had always been very supportive and Wisdom just couldn't wait for the eggs to hatch.

Lopika, #204939, January 14th, 2019
What exactly happened? Wisdom felt like he had been sleeping for ages... now awake and clumsily regaining his consciousness, he recognized no familiar faces around him. How could he spend a whole year in a nice warm place and remember nothing of it? He must head out to find a cure for this sudden loss of memory.

Gearfeathers, #2142, January 20th, 2019
Flying aimlessly, Wisdom found himself drawn to the Wind clan territories, though he could not say why. As dusk began to fall, he caught a scent on the wind. Other Tundras! Changing his arc, he landed in a place the local clan called “Tundra Hollow.” The leader, as expected, was a Tundra who called herself Huria. After a brief flurry by of sniffing, sniffing to help establish him as a friend to the clan, she welcomed him in, promising he could stay as long as he liked.

While he found no leads in this breezy clan, he did find a sort of companionship with the clan's guard-dog, Papaya. His bright coloring attracted the brightly colored Mirror's attention, and he found himself flattered by the attention. She taught him how to use his claws and teeth more efficiently, and he brought her flowers to keep her flower crown fresh.

While another Tundra might have been satisfied in this clan, he eventually felt the tug of the road again. So he set off one morning, but not before saying his goodbyes to Papaya and draping the green cape he'd taken to wearing during his time in Tundra Hollow around the shoulders of their young son, Fern. Perhaps they'd see one another again, perhaps not. Who knew where the winds would take him?

Crazyplate123, #297465, January 23rd, 2019
So many smells started to flood his senses as he flew. When he looked down he saw a small, single, caravan traveling in the Wind realm. They seem to have come to a stop to rest so he flew down to check them out. There were only two dragons near him when he approached; a Fae and Guardian both clad with armor. The smells got stronger and were familiar, some friendly and some unfriendly -- though Wisdom could tell from looking that these dragons meant no harm.

When Wisdom asked them about their smell, both dragons were very confused until a scary looking Pearlcatcher, that went by Treya, informed them that's how Tundras remember things. She said their clan travels everywhere can, so they may have picked up interesting smells. Wisdom was interested in this so he stayed for awhile to learn some things about the Traveling Breeze and the Travelers.

Wisdom learned many things about the dragons traveling. Morrow has a disease that affects the skin, making it fall off to expose bones and flesh. The smell's not too good though... Reffie taught him how to brew healing teas that soothe ones mind. And Osian... told some very heroic stories though he knew through his travels that these stories are a bit exaggerated. Even if the clan travels, Wisdom wanted to go his own way. He could not find a suitable nor agreeable mate here to have a nest.

His journey continues on.

Kiradog234, #263976, January 25th, 2019
Wisdom didn’t feel quite ready to leave the Wind territory yet. Instead, he decided to travel to its most dangerous recesses, all the way out in the CloudSong.

He faced many obstacles on his travels to this next clan, from rogue familiars, to gusts of wind so strong he had no option but to land and wait till they died down a bit, hidden beneath a cluster of bamboo.

It was during one of these times, when the wind was throwing him backwards with its colossal strength, that he saw the forest amongst the desolate plains.

It stuck out, it looked like it didn’t belong there at all, it was too lush for the landscape, the trees were too dark green to fit the lime shades of the grass and surrounding clumps of bamboo.

Wisdom didn’t really want to land there, but he had no choice, so he found himself deep within a forest thick with wide, old trees. Shard of sunlight crept through the branches, just enough to let him see where he was going and what was around him. The trees seemed almost to be alive from the sound of soft chirping and squeaking within them, it was a comforting sound in the otherwise imposing forest.

He made his way through the maze of trees, until eventually Wisdom came to the edge of a huge dip in the ground, where, down a slope, there was a clan. It was a large clan, bustling with the sounds of bartering and excited chatter. He couldn’t even begin to count all of the dragons within it, there were over a hundred at the least, all of different shapes and sizes.

Wisdom had slid down the slope, and ended up staying in the clan for a few days, getting to know some of the memebers and their stories.

He’d also taken part in a battle for territory space deep within the forest, fighting back rogue familiars, forcing them back into the recesses of the trees to help the clan.

He was sad to leave when it came to it, but the skies called to him, and the wind storm he’d been escaping had long since died down. It was time to go, whether to new lands or another part of the Wind territory.

Wisdom wasn’t quite yet sure, but he couldn’t wait to find out.

Volrin, #261879, January 1st, 2022
Wisdom and Iago were the first residents of The Purified Temple's travellers' wing to awaken from their sudden lair death.

No... no, not this again, anything but this, were the only groggy thoughts inhabiting Wisdom's mind, as he began to stir after a whole year of unwilling hibernation. All he could remember was that nice warm clan almost three years ago, warm and safe, with no familiar faces when he awoke, the sensation of deadly gnawing hunger that was gone when he came to, where he was safe and warm and dormant and--

"Hey, little pink fella! You good there?" A booming voice and large presence over Wisdom finally snapped the Tundra out of his panic spiral. Wisdom, bleary and disoriented, craned his head up to behold a massive Guardian, who was standing over him and inspecting him worriedly. Dull memory of this fellow swam in the recesses of Wisdom's mind, and he struggled to pull them forward...

"Iago?" Wisdom pondered finally, silently praising himself for managing to recall the fellow traveller's name. Such a tricky detail for a Tundra as forgetful as himself, but this Guardian definitely smelled like an Iago to him.

"I s'pose it's one of the names I've called myself, at... some point." Iago answered a bit sheepishly. "And you're Wisdom, if my memory don't betray me? Which it often does, I'll admit. But I reckon I remember you introducin' yourself when we showed up here 'round the same time."

"I sympathize with that," Wisdom chuckled a little, "the memory thing, that is. Speaking of, I'm having a hard time recalling... where exactly is... here...?"

Wisdom had a moment's pause then, stopping to flare his nostrils and take in the scent of this place -- marble, ancient and weathered, old beyond words or understanding. Generations of dragons reaching back hundreds of years. This place smelled like a home... maybe even his home, once. His birth clan, maybe. But little memory beyond that remained. Faint scent trails of a Tundra related to him, probably an actual member of the clan, but he could not recall a name this time.

"This temple was my home lair at one point, I think," Wisdom spoke aloud then, answering his own question, "but I haven't been here in such a long time. I'm supposed to be wise, like my name suggests, but... everything is so, so hazy to me right now. I think my memory has been failing me for a while."

"You're sure it's not just cause of this weird sleeping spell we just came out of?" Iago questioned him.

"No... I have no real way of knowing, but my intuition tells me it's been an issue for a very long time."

Iago tilted his head at the Tundra, a sympathetic look etched on his craggy snout. "Mine too. I feel ya."


A few hours later, much of the Temple's other residents were beginning to rouse as well. As soon as Wisdom and Iago had been able to confirm that the others were all okay, waking up without a hitch just as suddenly as hibernation had first settled on them all, the two were on to more pressing matters.

"How long 'ave we been sleepin', anyway?" Iago fretted. "How much do you think has changed out there? If everything is different, how am I gonna find a way to get my old memory back? Is it even worth it? Should I just go back to makin' up new me's, makin' new memories instead?"

Wisdom's mouth went dry as he stressed himself to come up with an answer, searched for any soothing words that would quell Iago's worries. You're Wisdom, so you have to give this dragon some wisdom, dammit!

Wisdom finally settled on something. "Worrying about it isn't going to solve anything," he said in the calmest tone he could muster, "and there's nothing we can do to change what's already happened. We can't turn back time on our hibernation. What we can do, is go out there and look for answers... maybe together? Help to recall what the other cannot, search for dragons that might have known us before this all started?"

Iago smiled a little. "Well, now. Are you askin' me to be your travellin' partner?"

"With all this brain fog, I don't even really trust myself to travel alone." Wisdom huffed. "And I'll do whatever I can, whatever I can offer to help with the holes in your own memory. Maybe my olfactory sense will come in handy to you?"

The Guardian nodded. "I'd be happy to take you up on that offer, little fella."


And with a somewhat awkward farewell to the clan leaders that Wisdom could not remember, and that Iago had been lying to since the moment he first stepped foot in the Temple, the travellers set out once again. Together.

User, #ID, Date
Write about Wisdom's adventures here!

User, #ID, Date
Write about Wisdom's adventures here!

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Descendant of Regan!
Gen 3

Regan >> Charity >> Wisdom (you are here)

If you ever breed him, it is tradition for Regan's descendants to go travelling to spread her family line further -- though this isn't a requirement. She loves to receive letters from hatchlings!

While Regan's original home is a dead lair now, there are other users carrying on her travelling game in this thread. You can see her original legacy thread here.

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Exalting Wisdom to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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