Obelisk Dragons
A Species Unearthed!
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Obtained: Rarity:
Breeding Cooldown: Diet:
Obelisk dragons are a new sight among dragonkind, a rare creation by the Earthshaker. During the events of Dustcarve Dig, all of Sornieth came together to support efforts to unearth the secrets within the site's winding tunnels. Unbeknownst to these hopeful excavators, a new dragon species was the real treasure to be found! Created by the Earthshaker, Obelisk dragons were once immaculate statues until his breath gave them sentience. As dragonkind dug deep, their light, sound, and presence provided the catalyst to the Obelisk's birth into the world.
Physical Attributes
Obelisks exude a formidable presence, dominant in their size and strength. These giants possess massive, muscled forelegs, a thick hide, and armored scales. A crown of horns sweep back from their skull, leading to their most striking feature: their curly, voluminous mane.
New to the world, Obelisks do not have an established culture to call their own. Many are drawn to assist their adoptive clanmates in whatever drives them, presenting themselves as the ever-enthusiastic, steadfast helper. They will throw themselves into construction, art, music, history, gardening, or warfare with equal zeal, seeking to learn their place in the world and help their allies accomplish their dreams. A small number of Obelisks have grown dissatisfied with simply helping others in their efforts, and seek to establish culture and traditions of their own.
First generation obelisk dragons frequently have names associated with positive emotions. It is thought that they gave themselves these names to carry on the hope that the Earthshaker had when he created them. Subsequent generations are not born with intrinsic names, and will ascribe to naming conventions typical to their adopted clans.
Obelisk dragons retain the ability to revert to their statue selves to conserve energy or observe their surroundings in perfect stillness. The material that they become relates closely to their flight and personalities. An earth obelisk may become a sturdy statue of basalt, while a wind obelisk may appear to be carved from polished jade. This natural ability sees Obelisks and their allied kin carving "Obelisks" to place outside their lairs. These facsimiles present a problem to those who want to gain entrance to the lair by guile or force, as they have little idea of how large or small a clan truly is.
The massive Obelisks throw themselves into combat with zeal. These frontline dragons seek to take the brunt of an attacker's onslaught. Opponents burn out their rage on these well armored dragons while the obelisks' allied kin prepare spells and breath weapon attacks to finish the battle.