Primary Genes: Veilspun
The most prominent gene a dragon possesses is its primary gene. This gene covers the majority of the dragon's
body. Primary genes display in all 177 available colors, and usually affect the dragon's head, legs, flank, belly, and tail (depending on the design).
Here are the primary genes currently available to
Veilspun Dragons. Players may make use of the
Scrying Workshop to see what combinations are possible!:
Primary Gene: Arc Uncommon
Primary Gene: Bar Uncommon
Primary Gene: Basic Plentiful
Primary Gene: Boa Uncommon
Primary Gene: Bright Uncommon
Primary Gene: Cinder Uncommon
Primary Gene: Clown Common
Primary Gene: Crystal Rare
Primary Gene: Fade Common
Primary Gene: Falcon Common
Primary Gene: Fern Limited
Primary Gene: Giraffe Uncommon
Primary Gene: Jupiter Uncommon
Primary Gene: Laced Common
Primary Gene: Leopard Common
Primary Gene: Petals Rare
Primary Gene: Poison Limited
Primary Gene: Shell Uncommon
Primary Gene: Skink Limited
Primary Gene: Slime Limited
Primary Gene: Speckle Common
Primary Gene: Sphinxmoth Uncommon
Primary Gene: Starmap Rare
Primary Gene: Stitched Limited
Primary Gene: Tapir Common
Primary Gene: Vipera Uncommon
Primary Gene: Wasp Rare
Secondary Genes: VeilspunSecondary genes are commonly known as "wing genes," because the surface area they cover is nearly entirely located on a dragon's
wings. Secondary genes display in all 177 available colors.
Here are the secondary genes currently available to
Veilspun Dragons. Players may make use of the
Scrying Workshop to see what combinations are possible!:
Secondary Gene: Basic Plentiful
Secondary Gene: Bee Rare
Secondary Gene: Blaze Uncommon
Secondary Gene: Blend Common
Secondary Gene: Butterfly Rare
Secondary Gene: Clouded Common
Secondary Gene: Constellation Rare
Secondary Gene: Daub Uncommon
Secondary Gene: Edged Common
Secondary Gene: Eye Spots Common
Secondary Gene: Facet Rare
Secondary Gene: Freckle Common
Secondary Gene: Hawkmoth Uncommon
Secondary Gene: Hex Uncommon
Secondary Gene: Hypnotic Uncommon
Secondary Gene: Loop Uncommon
Secondary Gene: Paisley Limited
Secondary Gene: Patchwork Limited
Secondary Gene: Peregrine Common
Secondary Gene: Saddle Uncommon
Secondary Gene: Saturn Uncommon
Secondary Gene: Sludge Limited
Secondary Gene: Spinner Limited
Secondary Gene: Striation Common
Secondary Gene: Toxin Limited
Secondary Gene: Vivid Uncommon
Secondary Gene: Web Uncommon
Tertiary Genes: VeilspunThe final type of gene is the tertiary gene, which covers both a dragon's
body and
wings with a third accent color. Tertiary genes display in all 177 colors and sit on top of primary and secondary genes, but are not commonly exhibited and usually (especially in more basic dragons) completely invisible. Progenitor dragons, for instance, do not display this gene inherently, and gene scrolls are needed to truly bring it out.
Here are the tertiary genes currently available to
Veilspun Dragons. Players may make use of the
Scrying Workshop to see what combinations are possible!:
Tertiary Gene: Angler Limited
Tertiary Gene: Basic Plentiful
Tertiary Gene: Beetle Limited
Tertiary Gene: Branches Limited
Tertiary Gene: Brightshine Limited
Tertiary Gene: Capsule Limited
Tertiary Gene: Carnivore Limited
Tertiary Gene: Crackle Uncommon
Tertiary Gene: Diaphanous Rare
Tertiary Gene: Filigree Rare
Tertiary Gene: Firefly Limited
Tertiary Gene: Flecks Limited
Tertiary Gene: Ghost Uncommon
Tertiary Gene: Glimmer Rare
Tertiary Gene: Koi Rare
Tertiary Gene: Mop Rare
Tertiary Gene: Okapi Uncommon
Tertiary Gene: Opal Rare
Tertiary Gene: Peacock Common
Tertiary Gene: Runes Uncommon
Tertiary Gene: Sparkle Uncommon
Tertiary Gene: Stained Rare
Tertiary Gene: Thorns Uncommon
Tertiary Gene: Underbelly Common
Tertiary Gene: Veined Limited