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Amouress' Clan

Here to create beautiful dragons and tell their stories
Venerable Lair
on the
Tsunami Flats icon

Clan Info

It was in the swamplands where the reign of water and shadow overlap that it was formed.
Tenebrosa Aqua.
A place for those who find themselves unable to commit to one flight, who are unable to find their place in the world. Born of a cross flight love and a thirst for belonging, two clans de-commit to find their own way, their own freedom.


Just call me Ames or Wingz! I am an avid collector of Coatls and Faes. I do not exalt dragons out of both personal preference and story-making reasons. So if you have a dragon you can no longer keep but don't want exalted, feel free to put in for a trade!
Also, if you are interested in the story, be sure to look at Screenmaster's clan as well. We are making this story together.

7/29/22 Update: Hi! I haven't played this game in about a year. I'm coming back as a casual player and sort-of starting over. Don't expect too much right now.

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Recent Comments

Deladria's avatar
November 01, 2021 05:53:08
Balthier was the random dragon just now. Great look!
Dianounais' avatar
June 10, 2021 09:38:05
Oaklinn is an absolute beauty <3
MarsKite's avatar
March 07, 2021 01:05:02
Amazon was on the front page!
Amouress' avatar
February 02, 2021 13:43:09
Note to Self: add @Reldarmgoomphis & @magebee to cow derg pinglists when available
wurmz's avatar
October 11, 2020 14:42:00
ahhh!! thank you so much, lol! i really appreciate it <3
wurmz's avatar
October 11, 2020 08:51:10
oh, that'd be great! i'd love to use 'em! also, of course, anytime <3
wurmz's avatar
October 10, 2020 16:26:46
ah, i absolutely adore your lair! although i had a quick question: i've seen quite a few people using the little animated arrow in your signature, but it never seems to work for me? just wanted to ask how you did it! <3
sunpawcorgi's avatar
October 08, 2020 10:49:11
you have a beautiful lair~
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Elemental water flag
Player ID
Date Joined
Aug 7, 2020

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Amouress' Friends

Screenmaster's avatar
Screenmaster (#406137)

Where the only alliance is to yourself
unicornmutual's avatar
unicornmutual (#544439)

despite everything, it's still you.
Amber563's avatar
Amber563 (#555509)
Glimmerowo's avatar
Glimmerowo (#406008)


Recent Activity

Aug 02
Welcomed new hatchlings!
Jul 29
Became friends with Glimmerowo
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jul 02
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Imperial Male, 1 Imperial Female

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