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Banescale Dragons
Information regarding the revived Banescale dragon species
Banescale Dragons
Breeding Cooldown:
  • Insects, Seafood, Meat

Banescale are reawakened ancient dragons who originated from the Blacksand Annex. They have re-emerged from the ashes of a sealed chamber that contained the last known clutches of the species.

Physical Attributes:
Banescale are a medium-sized ancient species of dragon. They are covered in glossy, interlocking scales. Sometimes a scaled plate will take damage or fall out over the course of a Banescale's journeys, but barring catastrophic wounds, these scales are typically replaced after a couple of sheds. They boast an impressive fanned wingspan that compliments their powerful legs and tails. Banescale lack the forelegs of other species, and modern Banescale do not participate in the crafting of weapons and armor that their ancestors so treasured.

While the first generation of new Banescale had the last songs of their ancestors to guide them, most of these dragons have had to adopt the traditions of other species. It is common for Banescale to latch onto groups of Coatl in particular, and they have grown an affinity for song and bright colors to the consternation of their feathered brethren.

Banescale have migrated as far and quickly as possible to establish a number of new clans and spread their number across Sornieth.

In ancient times Banescale would return to a central nursery deep in the Blacksand Annex to raise their young before returning to their clans; however, modern-day Banescale eschew this location, and parents keep their clutches with them at all times. They avoid creating large lairs and prefer to break off into new clans after their colonies exceed a dozen breeding pairs. Lairs are utilitarian and abandoned after each season, leaving rough tunneled complexes behind. Frequently the flora and fauna of the region will overtake and proliferate in these abandoned warrens.

Powerful aerial combatants, Banescale prefer engage with their enemies in the air, using their powerful talons to grapple and crush their foes. When they must engage with targets on the ground, breath weapons and hit and run tactics are their favored methods of dispatching an enemy.

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