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Nocturne Dragons
Information relating to the impish Nocturne species.
Nocturne Dragons


Breeding Cooldown:

  • Meat
  • Insects

Nocturne Dragons originate from deep within the Tangled Wood, where they are dormant for most of the year. They emerge for two weeks around the shortest day of winter to claim new territory and found new clans.

Physical Attributes
These bat-like dragons are stout and make use of an impressive wingspan to wrap themselves during the day, incubating their bodies. They are equipped with spines and horns that act as armor against the sharp thorns that cover plant life in the Shadowbinder's domain. Although it is possible for Nocturne dragons to be active year-round in clans where they feel comfortable, the majority of unbound colonies remain staunchly hidden away and only surface to breed during the weeks following the Winter Solstice.

Nocturnes are a species that adapts and mimics dragons they are in close proximity with; a Nocturne who accompanies a guardian may adopt a temporary charge of their own, while a Nocturne pestered by a spiral may become energetic and easily distracted. This mimicry does not extend exclusively to species characteristics, but to the individual personalities of their clanmates.

It is theorized that this behavior was once a tactic to ingratiate themselves among foreign clans, but over time has become an instinctive urge that delights and annoys those who come into contact with the species. Most individuals of this curious species loathe solitude. Nocturne dragons that remain among their own kind frequently generate feedback loops. Their personalities and behaviors are passed from one individual to the next in an lengthy communal games of copycat.

If given the chance to design their clan's lair, a Nocturne will feel most secure by creating a hidden structure, constructed to camouflage with its surroundings. These dwellings are spacious and utilitarian on the inside, but artful masterpieces indistinguishable from the environment on the outside. It is nearly impossible to visit a Nocturne lair uninvited.

Nocturne excel at subterfuge; they may falsify nearly-perfect battle orders, and are able to mimic the voices of their opponents.

However, they do not excel at physical confrontations. It is difficult to overcome the urge to copy one's opponent. Bolt is exchanged for bolt, strike for strike, and tactics are frequently ignored or forgotten. Opponents of a Nocturne may use this to their advantage to encourage their foe into doing something rather stupid.

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