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Home » Encyclopedia » Credits
Thanks to everyone who helped make Flight Rising possible!

  • Darren H. (Akiri) - Founder, Engineering and Business Operations.
  • Jessica P. (Undel) - Founder, Art Director, Project Management, Content Management, Lore & Narrative
  • Dana P. (Xhaztol) - Founder, UI Art, Design, Project Management, Lore & Narrative, Writer
  • Aequorin - Community Management, Social Media Management, Player Support, Lore & Narrative, Writer
  • Scott H. (Mutron) - Engineering and Server Operations
  • Joseph K. (Kaepora) - Engineering
  • Mike S. - Engineering & Automation
  • Alex K. (SuburbanSamurai) - Art, Custom Skin Support, Lore & Narrative
  • Zavian V. (Zephemeral) - Art
  • Jamie L. (Zircon) - Art
  • Rory R. (Etymology) - Art
  • Py - Art
  • Romion - Writer, Narrative Design, Lore & Narrative, Historian


Volunteer Forum Moderators

Contributors & Special Thanks
  • Ademus - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Albrecht - Writing
  • Arahtim - Support
  • Athame - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Barbie - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Bec M. - Writing
  • Brandon W. - Engineering
  • Carnivale - Art
  • C3rmen - Art
  • Dominic K. (Slogra) - Music
  • EmiT - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Empyrisan - Art
  • Ezraylia - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Erin S. (Fable) - Art
  • Gaia - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Jake H. - Writing, Design, Quality Assurance
  • Kiohl - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • LightSky - Engineering and Server Operations
  • Lisa C. (Choo) - Art
  • Loddie - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Lune - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Maricela U. (chutkat) - Art
  • May - Art
  • Moonie - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Nazmiye - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Nerd - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Osiem - Art
  • Pesticide - Art
  • Ravette - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Rob - Engineering
  • Ryan & Heather - Engineering and Server Operations
  • Ryan C - Art
  • Sin - Art
  • SugarBones - Veteran Volunteer Moderator
  • Tai - Art
  • Zilowar - Art
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