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Breeding Dragons
Information about dragon breeding and hatchlings.


Flight Rising features a robust breeding system, wherein male and female dragons can be paired to produce up to 1-5 offspring in a single nest. The system takes into account both the breed and gene combinations of the parents to determine the appearance of the their hatchlings.

Breeding is a central focus of the game. It can be strategic: Such as only introducing the colors you want. Or it can be open: Such as breeding as quickly and as often as possible to create the biggest clan you can. This is left up to you to decide!

Elemental Nesting Grounds
Each player's element plays a big role in the breeding process. Because nests are elemental in nature, their magical properties will affect the offspring that are produced there. This means that no matter what elements the parents are, the hatchlings that are born to them will always inherit the element of the nest.

Example: Harold is a Water clan, but owns both a Plague and Nature dragon of each gender. Harold chooses to breed these dragons together and they produce two eggs in his Water nest. When the hatchlings are born, they are both of the Water element. This can benefit Harold greatly on the Auction House and at the Crossroads, as he will have guaranteed customers in players that are seeking Water dragons.

Players are unable to change the element of the nests they have, but can choose to purchase more empty nests, allowing for up to five simultaneous breedings to be occurring at once.

Each nest requires one father (male), and one mother (female) to produce offspring. To prevent inbreeding, the parents may not share ancestors or relatives within 5 generations.

However, parent dragons may be of any breed or gene combination.

Gestation & Egg Care
Eggs will hatch on the day after they have been incubated five times. We recommend returning each day to incubate the eggs, as that will allow them to hatch that much more quickly. If you forget a day or two of incubation, the eggs will remain in the nest until the next time you return to incubate them.

Parent dragons that are caring for a nest will be displayed on each side of the nest, and will be ineligible for trading, sale, or exaltation during the gestation process.

Once the eggs have been incubated five times, they will be ready to hatch on the sixth day. For purposes of convenience, eggs that are ready to hatch will no longer require incubation, and will remain in a player's nest until the player chooses to manually hatch them. They will also not perish while in this state. (This allows a player to clear more room in their dragon lair if the new hatchlings would put them over the allotted limit).

The gestation period can be skipped if the player possesses a Boon of Fertility, which can be purchased in the Specialty section of the Gem Marketplace.

Once hatchlings have been born, they will leave the nesting grounds and join the rest of their clan in the dragon lair, and the nest will be available for another pairing immediately.

Hatchlings & Genetic Outcomes
Offspring will be produced by taking into account the breed and genes of the parents.

Breed: With starter breeds (Fae, Tundra, Guardian, and Mirror), offspring have an equal chance to inherit their breed from either of their parents. If the parent dragons are of the same breed, the chance for the offspring to be that same breed is 100%. The exception comes when the parents' breed rarities or types are inconsistent.

Example 1: Harold's two parent dragons are of different breeds. The mother is a Fae dragon, while the father is a Wildclaw. Wildclaw dragons are a very rare breed, and have a low likelihood of passing it to their offspring if paired with any other breed.

Example 2: Harold is pairing his Fae dragon with a Tundra dragon instead. Due to their breed rarity being the same, he will have a 50/50 chance of producing Fae or Tundra offspring.

Example 3: Harold is pairing two Guardian dragons together. Due to their identical breeds, all produced offspring will be Guardians.

Genes: The passing down of genes works exactly the same way. When a mother and father dragon are paired, their gene rarities are weighed against eachother when determining the outcome for the hatchling. This applies to Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary genes.

Example 1: Harold's Fae dragon has a Tiger primary gene, while his Tundra only has a Basic primary gene. The Tiger primary gene is much rarer than Basic. When paired together, it will be much more likely that the offspring will exhibit the Tundra's Basic primary gene.

Example 2: Harold pairs two dragons that both have secondary genes of the same rarity. Because of this, their offspring have a 50/50 chance of exhibiting either secondary gene.

Each breed of dragon is only permitted to breed every so often. The period of time in which they are unable to is referred to as their "breeding cooldown." This cooldown varies depending on the rarity of the dragon's species. Below are the cooldown values for varying breed types:

  • Plentiful Breeds: 15 days
  • Common Breeds: 20 days
  • Uncommon Breeds: 25 days
  • Limited Breeds: 30 days
  • Rare Breeds: 35 days

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